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Newsletter - June 2022

Dear one and all,

A student sent me a card with balloons on it – I love balloons and found it most uplifting. This inspired me to tell you these stories.

I find a challenge when blowing up balloons, it’s the last puff that would bring the balloon to its full glory. I hold back imagining it might burst in my face.

Fear can stop you reaching your full potential.

A group of students were taken to the edge of a cliff and ordered to jump. They were afraid. The master pushed them over the edge - and they flew.

Iyengar instructs like this and I am forever grateful.

There is a moment when confronted with a challenge we have a choice; whether to push through out of our comfort zone or to turn away and stay in our known habit.

It is a clean choice – either your left brain staying in the known past or your right hemisphere staying in the present moment and moving through the habit which holds you.

I love working with you and am inspired by the stillness and presence created, when you are at One within a group, it feels as if I am just teaching one person.

Your energies are not just added together but multiplied and I can feel the strength in the group. Come and be part of it, it strengthens your endeavour to practice.

You are never quite the same again after a yoga weekend!

Wonderful news, Narain Ishaya can come and talk with us at our next yoga retreat at Hawkwood (9th – 11th September). If he is stuck in Brisbane Australia, he will give us his interactive talks on the big screen.

He is making every endeavour to join us.

As most of us know, Hawkwood is the perfect place for our retreat, please see details and do book straight away as it is already half full. More details on

As the weather becomes hotter please practice forward bends; sitting, standing or inverted also halasana, adhomukha and Svanasana. They are the cooling quietening postures. Do practice in the shade, especially inverted postures where the blood floods the head and in the sun your head can get too hot.

For it is such a pleasure to absorb a really blue sky – and we have had a few! I tried to register blue sky as my email address then “Clear Blue Sky” and “Blue Clear Sky”, but they had gone.. someone else knew it meant “Mind Space”.

It was solstice on 21st June. The body can detox strongly at this time and you may have felt 1 degree under. Ashtanga vinyasa practitioners, tend not to practice on these days when the body is eliminating. Full moon is another time when the body throws out toxic matter, through the skin, lungs, bowel & kidneys.

Drink plenty of spring or filtered water, rest and practice recuperative postures already mentioned.

The next yoga day is on 6th July, please let me know if you can come and September term starts on the week beginning 5th September.

Dear teachers, if you are not already on the Karuna Teachers App and would like to be, please email Marybeth on

Breathe well and absorb the blue sky,

Love Ruth



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