Newsletter - March 2021
Spring is sprung and it’s the equinox on 21st March. Are you aware that your energies change usually around this time?
In the winter your energies move up the back of the spine and down your front and in the spring your energies change to up the front and down your back.
With the spring energy your mind can become very active this “head stuff” can make you tired, yoga is a wonderful way of stimulating and balancing the chakras/energy centres. It can move the energy away from the over active head and stimulate the lower chakras.
Try standing postures, they are a most effective way of balancing the chakras.
Don’t worry if the body starts to throw out toxins and you develop sneezes and wheezes, it is just that the body has the energy to cleanse at this time.
We are holding a Zoom “Morning in Yoga” on Wednesday 24th March 9.45am – 12.45pm and the theme for the day is “Breath of life – To understand why it is important to breathe through both nostrils.”
The aim of the day is to leave with a personal practice that suits your needs.
See how your breathing changes with your emotions; sobbing when upset, holding your breath when fearful or apprehensive, sighing when bored, faster when exerting.
In pranayama we learn to control the breath, which in turn has a quieting effect on the emotions and the mind and all the benefits that arise from that; feeling free, strong, steady and loving.
Energies lift when the heart opens and most importantly the mind falls quiet.
Morning in Yoga Breath of life – To understand why it is important to breathe through both nostrils Wednesday 24th March 9.45am – 12.45pm Suggested programme
9.15 Teachers training 9.45 Yoga with demonstration and explanation 11.00 Talk on “Breath of life” 11.45 Pranayama, meditation and relaxation 12.45 Farewell
Please email for the link - £25 per person. Could teachers please arrive at 9.15am
I am bringing Sam (life size skeleton) along so that we can examine and understand the movements of the thorax.
With encouragement this flexible and bony box can move in most directions. Yoga casn increase in capacity dramatically (look at how Iyengar has expanded his chest size). This can increase your intake of oxygen and lift your energy levels.
I look forward to working with you on Zoom.
Breath well
Ruth xx
9th – 11th July 2021
Join us for a weekend of yoga at Holycombe Retreat Centre, Whichford which stands in 6 acres of peaceful woodland and beautiful natural gardens.
We can meet you from the nearest train station Moreton-in-Marsh (on the London line) – for more information and prices see our website