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Newsletter - May 2022

Hello dear students

Yoga is a great counter balance to working with screens, postally and mentally.

Lockdown has increased our intellectual tendencies, so it is therefore important for us to take the energy down away from the overworked head to the lower trunk and legs activating the lower shakras.

Please practice standing asanas with complete attention especially on the feet.

When focused on the body there is no room for circling or wondering minds. And quite naturally the mind calms down and falls quiet.

Have you noticed when you fall quiet in mind your world also falls quiet?

Please read and digest Patanjali’s first sutra, the next 195 sutras are all to expand and explain this first sutra in case you failed to understand it.

If you have not got “The Sutras of Patanjali”, please see attached. You are not the only one with an active mind. Patanjali 500BC wrote this.

A very warm welcome to those starting the teachers training, I love your enthusiasm and I can see that you love your yoga.

It would be a natural progression to want to share and pass it on to others.

You will surely enjoy this training it’s a practical course, the knowledge coming from your observation not from the intellect, but from your first hand experience. So I will be talking to your body and with your permission hands on adjustments, not engaging your minds.

Here is an example: It was summer in London and Iyengar’s class was full and I sat on the side taking notes. He strode over to me and said “you want to be clever tomorrow, you come and help me NOW”.

He would never allow notes to be taken in class.

I wrote them up afterwards!

It’s an experience rather than an intellectual exercise. Hence there will be no essays and very little paperwork – just enough to permit me to qualify you.

The first requisite for those on the TT course is to practice daily – it would be immoral to teach and not to practice.

As an example: A woman took her son to a wise man and asked him if he could cure her son of his addiction to sweets. The wise man said he could, but not for a month. In a months time he did cure the boy of his addiction. The mother was overjoyed but perplexed and asked the man “why did I have to wait a month before the healing?”

He answered “I had to stop eating sweets myself before I could heal the boy”.

A Different Day in Yoga – long Wednesday 18th May 9.45am-3pm at Beaconsfield Hall, OX7 6BQ

Take a further step into the peace and quiet of the mind through the practice of asana, pranayama and meditation. Lets work on our weaknesses to see that the so-called problems can be our gifts. These days will also be on zoon for distant students.

In the love of yoga


p.s The website Ruth White Yoga Products is no longer me – I have handed over the sales side so that I can concentrate on just the teaching - I was being referred to as “the mat lady”! This website is nothing to do with me now.

If ordering a back arch, please order from my website They are transparent and unbreakable. The old blue plastic ones crack easily.

p.p.s If you would like to find out more about Teachers Training click here

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