Newsletter - September 2020
How have the last 4 months been? What have we seen about ourselves?
For me it has been a chance to slow down. I saw how attached I was to my “comfort zone”. I really missed teaching you and realised I was to meet the enormous challenge of the INTERNET so I started Zoom classes with Karuna, my daughter. She was a great help in getting over my fear of the internet. It has opened so many digital (&other) doors.
Give yourselves time to see what is holding you back. Is it your ideas, beliefs, prejudice & attachments? A helpful indicator is to see what we are avoiding or afraid to look at and make excuses about why we “cannot do that”.
All we need to do is let go. Let go of “I can’t” thoughts, let go of your “comfort zone”. Whatever your God is; your higher self, the God within, divine spirit, truth, love. Then put that 1st.
You know when we practice fist thing, the whole day is affected. The yoga practice, if practiced whole heartedly, can take you straight to your higher self.
There is a great strength in practising in a group.
Well done those that managed to Zoom in on a Saturday morning (9.00am – 10.20am for yoga and then pranayama, meditate & talk until 11am), this class will continue. First class is free and then £8 per week, please email to join.
It will be a great pleasure to teach you in person!
We are back again in the Beaconsfield Hall* on Wednesday 9th September at 9.45am and John’s class starts up again on Monday 7th September at 7.30pm at Asthall Manor. We are hopefully starting a new class in Beaconsfield Hall on a Thursday at 7.30pm.
* Please note Beaconsfield Hall has updated its guidance on face coverings.
Everyone using/entering the hall must now wear a face covering. Face coverings can be removed for indoor sports and well-being activities e.g. badminton, gym users, Dance, yoga and pilates. We will be respecting social distancing and hand sanitising
Classes are £10 each when enrolling for the term of £15 for a single class. If you miss your class you are welcome to come to the Zoom or other classes in the same week. (Please request link if it is Zoom).
Every month there is an extended Wednesday class 9.45am – 3pm at Beaconsfield Hall. 2020 dates are: 16th September, 21st October and 25th November. These classes are £50 for the day or £30 if you have already enrolled for a term of Wednesday mornings.
You will be glad to hear that Hawkwood is up & running. As we observe social distancing this year the numbers are reduced and there are very few places left so please book now.
Day visitors welcome but priority is given to those staying overnight, please book directly with Hawkwood (
You will feel quite different after your visit to this magical place, it abounds in karuna and nourishes the soul. Not to mention its delicious organic cuisine and panoramic views.
If you would like a lift or can give one, please phone 01608 651189.
With love to you
“There is nothing anyone can give you that you have not already got”